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An Introduction to PCI DSS’s Secure Software Life Cycle

Digital payments are, for the most part, the norm for commerce in the modern world. From swiping credit cards, tapping phones, or using credit card information in digital storefronts, a lot of payment information is moving through digital networks… and potentially insecure technologies. This is why credit card networks created the PCI DSS standard to govern security in the payments industry. 

PCI DSS governs these payment technologies, including developing and implementing payment tools at all customer touchpoints. This has led to the PCI DSS Secure Software Life Cycle (SLC) standard, a guideline designed to ensure that security is embedded right from the inception of software development.


The Need for a Secure Software Life Cycle

Regarding payment processing software, the focus is less on user experience or aesthetics and more on security, integrity, and interoperability. (especially for those handling sensitive payment data regularly).

Traditional security practices, though crucial, tend to be added as afterthoughts, tackling problems once they’ve already surfaced. Such a reactive strategy is expensive and can tarnish a company’s image, especially in a data breach.

This is where the Secure Software Life Cycle comes into play. By integrating security measures starting in the software’s design phase, vulnerabilities can be identified and addressed early. Taking a proactive stance ensures the software fulfills its intended functions and stands strong against potential security risks.

For business leaders and tech experts, embracing the Secure SLC goes beyond mere compliance. Ensuring the integrity of payment systems can demonstrate to customers that an organization develops software with an eye on security at all stages of software production.


Delving Deeper into PCI’s Secure Software Framework

The PCI Secure Software Life Cycle Standard is a roadmap for integrating security protocols during development. It’s not merely a checklist; it’s a holistic approach designed specifically for the intricacies of payment software. The essence of this standard can be distilled into two pivotal goals:


Overview of PCI Secure SLC Standard

The PCI SLC Standard provides a guide for ensuring software security within the payment sector, considering the entire development process. Given the ever-changing landscape of software development and its distinct hurdles, the PCI SLC Standard presents an all-encompassing blueprint for payment software. Central to this standard are two key goals:


Secure Software Life Cycle Requirements

Software development is a journey through multiple stages. Many of these stages are revisited multiple times throughout building the software. The PCI Secure SLC Standard seamlessly weaves security into each of these phases.


Validation and Listing Process

Generally, an organization developing a software product that they want to integrate into the SLC Standard will follow a high-level process:


Roles and Responsibilities

Security is a shared responsibility. While the PCI Secure SLC Standard provides the framework, its successful implementation hinges on collaboration:


Benefits of Adhering to PCI Secure SLC Standard

Beyond compliance, the benefits of adhering to the PCI Secure SLC Standard are manifold:


Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits are clear, implementing the PCI Secure SLC Standard is challenging. Many challenges relate to the organization’s corporate culture and preparedness around complex development requirements. 

Fundamental challenges will include:


Ensure Your PCI DSS Compliance with Lazarus Alliance

Are you looking for an experienced, trusted, and thorough security partner to help you through PCI DSS or other compliance standards? Then, work with Lazarus Alliance.

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