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CMMC for Small Businesses: Getting Ready for Compliance

Starting in Q1 2025, software providers in the DoD supply chain must align their security with CMMC 2.0 standards. While many enterprise customers have been spending that past year getting ready, the reality is that most businesses don’t share this level of preparedness–specifically, small businesses. 

Meeting the challenges of a complex framework like CMMC can be challenging for SMBs with limited IT resources. Here, we’ll discuss how these organizations can prepare for their impending compliance requirements and maintain their contractual arrangements within the Defense supply chain. 


Why Is CMMC Challenging for Small- to Mid-Size Businesses?

For SMBs, the path to CMMC compliance can be daunting due to financial constraints, limited technical expertise, and the overlapping requirements to manage their handling of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and related Federal Contract Information (FCI). 


Understanding CMMC 2.0

CMMC represents an evolution of the original framework meant to streamline the certification process while maintaining robust cybersecurity standards. 

The quick and dirty explanation of these requirements falls under three different maturity levels:

Typically, Level 3 organizations have the most sophisticated IT needs, handling the most sensitive information and facing dangerous Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). Following that, most small businesses will fall under Levels 1 or 2. 


Unique Challenges Faced by Small Businesses

Small businesses encounter several distinct challenges when striving for CMMC compliance. These challenges often stem from their limited resources and expertise compared to larger organizations.


Critical Components of CMMC for Small Businesses

To meet CMMC requirements, small businesses need to focus on the critical components of the framework that are most applicable to their operations.

Strategies Small Businesses Can Implement to Achieve Compliance

Achieving CMMC compliance requires a strategic approach. Small businesses can adopt several strategies to navigate the compliance journey effectively:

Now, we could also discuss some basic security controls you can implement to start your CMMC journey, like:

And so on. 

However, we must stress that compliance is more than just picking the right technology for the rack. It’s an ongoing process of evolving security requirements and interconnected practices and responsibilities. Your best bet as a small business is to work with a provider who knows the framework and can help you pass audits year after year. 


Running a Small Business? Get Ready for CMMC with Lazarus Alliance

CMMC compliance is a critical requirement for small businesses operating in the defense sector. While the journey to compliance can be challenging, understanding the specific requirements and adopting a strategic approach can make the process manageable. Don’t go alone into your CMMC journey. Work with the professionals at Lazarus Alliance.

To learn more, contact us

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