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Now Reading: Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – 8

The law of intuition: Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias. People are intuitive in their area of strength. Who you are dictates what you see. Natural ability and learned skills create an informed intuition that makes leadership issues jump out at leaders. Leaders who want to succeed maximize every asset and resource they have for the benefit of their organization. A leader has to read the situation and know instinctively what play to call. Whenever leaders face a problem, they automatically measure it – and begin solving it – using the law of intuition. Improvement is impossible without change.

This is one of my favorite facets of leadership. It also goes way beyond leadership though. On an individual level, we are charged instinctively and socially with the responsibility for improvement. Our species has not marched forward, has not dominated this planet through complacency, but through empowering change. The persistent analogy I’ve mentioned concerning wolves and sheep I firmly suggest remains true. With that in mind, it is incumbent upon leaders to identify these resources possessed by the people they lead, and leverage these talents accordingly.

If you step outside of direct leadership situations, indirect leadership is something to be kept firmly in mind. Leaders tend to naturally receive more exposure to the general population. As a result, their scope of influence, good or bad, influences and affects others in ways we cannot always predict. With this in mind, it is important to consider your leadership actions carefully and understand that you will influence unknown personalities out there, sometimes with negative, or positive, consequences. I for one strive to be thought of and remembered in the most genuinely positive of ways. As a leader, I recognize that some days I will win, and on some occasions, not.

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