Syndication Updates for 2009-02-18 Michael Peters 16 years ago 3:38am mdpeters posted 27 items. (Show Details) In general; intangible nature of assets Applicability of common-law sanctions Venue Intent—Malice Computer software Intent—Purpose Jurisdiction Purpose of computer crime laws Procedure; generally Computer hardware Computer program FN2 The Defense of a Computer Crime Case Financial instrument Computer Intent—knowledge Main Page Intent—Knowledge Data; intellectual property The Defense of a Computer Crime Case FN2 The Defense of a Computer Crime Case Intent—Authorization Computer services Computer network Recklessness Alteration 3:55am mdpeters posted an item. Facebook Scrambles To Contain ToS Fallout 1:10pm mdpeters posted an item. TrapCall Service To Bypass Caller ID Blocking 5:46pm mdpeters posted 51 items. (Show Details) National Stolen Property Act Illegal gains Civil remedies Violation of privacy Admission of evidence Initial conference with defendant; information checklist Identity theft Meeting and gaining rapport with the defendant Release on own recognizance Physical taking offenses Communications Decency Act Federal Child pornography legislation State Child pornography legislation Electronic Communications Privacy Act Trespass Spam State Child protection legislation; solicitation and importuning The Defense of a Computer Crime Case Client Interview and Planning; Evaluating the Case in general Activities involving access devices and equipment Miscellaneous laws Release on own recognizance—Questions checklist Possession of hardware designed for illegal purpose Initial pre-arrest client interview Determining factors Illustrative form—defendant’s agreement to appear Personal harm Taking of information Miscellaneous federal laws Punishments and Penalties in general The Defense of a Computer Crime Case Illustrative form; order fixing bail Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Federal Laws in general Considerations as to arranging for surrender of defendant State Laws in general The Copyright Act Obtaining defendant’s release on bail Trade secret statutes Damage to computer or component Computer pornography Child pornography legislation Loss valuation State consumer protection laws Facilitating crime Economic Espionage Act of 1996 Illustrative form—Order for release on own recognizance Dealing with pretrial publicity Restricting interrogation of defendant Conferring with arrested client Use of computer services; larceny