What Role Does Cloud Automation and AI Play in NIST 800-218 Compliance?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-218, also known as the Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF), is a critical guideline for organizations that want to strengthen their software development processes against cyber threats.  Adhering to NIST 800-218 ensures secure software development, reduces vulnerabilities, and enhances overall cybersecurity posture. As organizations strive… Read More

Implementing NIST 800-218 for Small and Mid-Size Businesses

Small and medium-sized businesses are particularly vulnerable due to limited IT and security resources and expertise, which can hinder their ability to build software for government agencies and contractors. Standards exist to help these businesses stay in the game and remain competitive in a crowded software market, however. Specifically, the Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF).… Read More

Executive Order 14028 and the Software Supply Chain

With Executive Order 14028’s requirements coming into effect, government agencies and their software partners are looking for ways to meet these stringent requirements. These include managing system security across all potential attack vectors, including those introduced during the development cycle.  Here, we discuss how the Secure Software Development Framework is a good baseline for approaching… Read More

What Is the Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF)?

The Secure Software Development Framework, outlined in NIST Special Publication 800-218, provides guidelines and best practices to enhance the security and integrity of software development processes. NIST developed it to help organizations implement secure software development practices and mitigate risks associated with software vulnerabilities.