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Weekly Digest for April 22nd

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mdpeters New blog post: Weekly Digest for April 15th [obDADkenobi].
mdpeters posted .
mdpeters New blog post: Beef Stew [obDADkenobi].
mdpeters is completing his application package for ISACA’s – Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) certification. [obDADkenobi].
mdpeters posted User:Firemedic510.
mdpeters New blog post: The IT-Legal Liaison Role: A (Very) Small Step in the Right Direction [obDADkenobi].
mdpeters RT @kcbankruptcy: ### Sharpen our Skills…: Needs $15 ($298 already given of $313 total cost) — Give NowWyandanch, NYLevel: Grades… … [obDADkenobi].
mdpeters posted User:AssaCom.
mdpeters New blog post: Juris Doctor 82 of 215 [obDADkenobi].
mdpeters New blog post: Emerging trend or merging trend? I think so! [obDADkenobi].
mdpeters New blog post: Now Reading: Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – 5 [obDADkenobi].
mdpeters posted 8 items.
mdpeters posted .
mdpeters is sharing a great resource concerning fraud prevention from the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force. [obDADkenobi].
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