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What are ISO 30141 and the General Characteristics of Internet of Things (IoT) Systems?

The Internet of Things (IoT) was seen as the next big thing for the consumer market. While the impact of IoT technology is still unfolding, there is no doubt that IoT devices have made a much bigger impact in the commercial space. IoT networks are changing how we handle major industrial processes, from healthcare to supply chain logistics and manufacturing. Accordingly, the ISO has put forth a document, ISO 30141, on best practices and characteristics of operational IoT systems. 


What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of devices like sensors, software, mobile hardware, machinery, and network connectivity, collecting and exchanging data over the internet for a shared purpose. IoT devices are typically designed to perform specific functions, such as monitoring a person’s health or optimizing energy usage in a building. 

Smart devices can take many forms, from thermostats and security cameras to industrial sensors, medical wearables, or mobile devices. These devices are often designed to be small and unobtrusive and may be powered by batteries or other energy sources. These devices collect real-time data to process and provide insights for larger data services.

IoT is a rapidly growing field, particularly within the commercial and industrial space. Consumer IoT devices are often decentralized collections of cloud-connected devices. In contrast, industrial applications will often connect different aspects of a large operation–a manufacturing line, a hospital wing, an international supply chain, or a fleet of vehicles. 


ISO 30141 IoT System Characteristics

ISO/IEC 30141, “Internet of Things (IoT) – Reference architecture,” is a governing document from the International Organization for Standardization that defines standards, characteristics, and models for well-defined and functional IoT architecture. 

The core of this document is the set of general characteristics that an IoT system, and its components, should have. 

These characteristics include:


Trustworthiness Characteristics

According to the ISO, trustworthiness is defined as the degree to which a system performs as expected while including characteristics that include “safety, security, privacy, reliability, and resilience.”

Regarding ISO 30141, security applies explicitly to the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) triad of capabilities. 


Architecture Characteristics

This section applies to how administrators, developers, and business operations design and implement IoT infrastructure. This includes questions of operability and integration.


Functional Characteristics

This section addresses IoT components’ capabilities in terms of their functionality and how they meet specific requirements. 


Maintain the Security of Your IoT System with Lazarus Alliance

Suppose your organization relies on IoT devices in a way that requires ISO 30141 assessments or overall security audits for proper security and management. In that case, you must work with an experienced security firm that understands ISO inside and out. That firm is Lazarus Alliance.

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