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What is Europrivacy?

Companies inside and outside the European Union are feeling the impact of GDPR–and if you’ve noticed the glut of complex and long-winded cookie notifications, you can see why. Businesses looking to operate data processing infrastructure or collect data in the EU must comply with GDPR. To streamline the process, the EU recently approved a central certification mechanism called Europrivacy.


What Is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is the governing set of standards and requirements for data processing in the European Union. To address the rapidly (and often radically) shifting IT and data protection landscape, the EU implemented GDPR as a forward-looking regulation that protects citizen-consumers rights while allowing the data-based industry to flourish.

GDPR is generally considered the world’s strictest set of data regulations due in no small part to its approach to data privacy and accountability. Some of the unique principles of this framework include:

How Does Europrivacy Relate to GDPR Compliance?

Europrivacy is a certification scheme for GDPR conceived of by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB). There are several ways to get a certification for GDPR, all of which involve working with an assessing organization certified under one of several authorization bodies. 

The problem with this is those different organizations all offer certifications in distinct and sometimes fragmented ways. For example, some organizations may find that compliance with ISO 27001 is enough to get them to GDPR compliance. Companies in the U.S. might work with specific certifying bodies with a slightly different approach. 

Europrivacy is the first attempt to standardize GDPR compliance under a single seal of approval. Although the standard is in its earliest stages of rollout, there are some basic steps that all companies will need to follow:

How Does Europrivacy Impacting Compliance in the EU?

GDPR governs every participating state in the EU, meaning thousands of organizations and data-gathering and processing mechanisms. While decentralized auditing and certification can support compliance in the short run, centralizing GDPR requirements brings stability to the certification process. 

Some of the additional benefits of Europrivacy include:

Europrivacy was approved on October 10, 2022, and is currently being rolled out in EU territory with plans to extend the standard to other participating countries. In time, Europrivacy may become the sole recognized GDPR certification mechanism.


Prepare for Europrivacy and GDPR with Lazarus Alliance

Europrivacy is shaping up to be the new standard for GDPR compliance, which means streamlined audits and, ideally, a standardized compliance approach. Lazarus Alliance is an experienced GDPR-ready security firm that can help you prepare for the future of GDPR compliance.

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