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What Is the Europrivacy Hybrid Certification Model?

GDPR has needed a centralized assessment and certification model for some time now. Still, with the plethora of certifications and standards covering different business contexts, there has yet to be a single approach that has risen to the top of the heap. However, the governing bodies of GDPR have authorized the new Europrivacy standard to forego this certification balkanization in favor of a new, hybrid process.


Europrivacy and the Certification Process

Europrivacy is the newest GDPR assessment and certification standard and looks to become a significant force in the industry. Currently, several different assessment bodies may handle GDPR certification. These include:

Europrivacy can potentially render many of these secondary certifications unnecessary by serving as a centralized model for GDPR compliance both inside and outside the EU. 

So, what does Europrivacy look like? According to their overview pages, they begin with a basic certification process broken into three steps:


The Hybrid Europrivacy Certification Model

To structure the program itself, the ECCP provides a hybrid certification model that combines a focus on core GDPR criteria and local, contextual factors that an organization may have to meet. 

GDPR Core Criteria

The heart of the Europrivacy standard is its adherence to the GDPR core criteria, or critical aspects of the law, to which the organization’s data processing infrastructure must adhere.

These criteria are:


Domain-Specific Criteria

Along with general GDPR requirements, Europrivacy will include domain-specific assessment criteria that may help address specific demands related to industry, local laws and regulations, or risks inherent to specialized technologies or IT infrastructure configurations.

These criteria are:


The Future of Security Is in GDPR. Don’t Fall Behind

The likelihood that businesses expand, in part or whole, into EU jurisdiction is higher than one might think. Shared consumer services, B2B IT infrastructure, and eCommerce websites touch on different aspects of EU jurisdiction.

If you’re curious about what’s coming down the pike in terms of GDPR or Europrivacy assessments, contact Lazarus Alliance. 

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