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What Role Is AI Playing in Cybersecurity in 2023?

The development of AI has been a game-changer for nearly everyone, and that fact is no different in the world of cybersecurity. New threats powered by AI are reshaping traditional attack vectors, including cryptography, prevention, and social engineering.

In this article, we’re discussing how, in the so-called AI Boom of 2023, cybersecurity is being shaped by this new technology.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology that significantly impacts many industries, including cybersecurity. AI can automate tasks, identify and respond to threats, and improve decision-making.

In cybersecurity, AI is used in a variety of ways, including:

Even though AI is a relative newcomer in cybersecurity, it’s already making waves by transforming how we secure our systems and data. As AI tech advances, expect it to take on an even bigger role in cybersecurity.


Why Use AI in Cybersecurity?

The unique blend of autonomous action and advanced pattern recognition makes AI suitable for several cybersecurity applications. These include:


Challenges of Using AI in Cybersecurity

On the other hand, using AI in cybersecurity has its challenges. Technology is flawed, much less AI, which can cause issues when adopting this approach. 

Some challenges include:

Despite these obstacles, AI holds great promise for significantly improving cybersecurity. As the technology matures, its impact on cybersecurity will become even more substantial.


Artificial Intelligence in the Hands of Malicious Actors

AI isn’t just a tool for defenders. Hackers and other malicious actors are delving into AI and machine learning to power all sorts of new attack techniques and scams. The sheer breadth of how AI may be applied to cyber threats may reshape the cybersecurity landscape. 

Some of these attacks include:


What’s the Deal with Generative Adversarial Networks?

A Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) consists of two machine learning models: a generator and a discriminator. The generator crafts new data while the discriminator judges if that data is real or fake.

Both the generator and discriminator train together. The generator aims to produce data so convincing that the discriminator can’t tell it’s fake. Meanwhile, the discriminator works to separate real from fake data. As they train, both get better at their jobs. The generator becomes more skilled at creating lifelike data, and the discriminator learns to tell real from fake.

GANs are often used in basic but complex processes that bleed into other industries:

More specifically, in the area of cybersecurity, GANs have had an impact on both sides of the line (attacker and defender).

Defensive Applications of GANs in Cybersecurity


Offensive Applications of GANs in Cybersecurity


What Does the Future Hold for Cybersecurity?

With AI disrupting industries across the board, we’re not surprised to see cybersecurity impacted as well. So what do you do?

The truth is that a good defense is still possible, particularly for those who support security and compliance best practices. No protection system is foolproof, but with the right partners, you can make sure your infrastructure is ready for any challenge. 

That partner is Lazarus Alliance.

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