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Why Work with a Cybersecurity Partner: A Guide for Managed Compliance

Question: Are you internally managing compliance and cybersecurity?

Many organizations struggle to match the speed of innovation in cybersecurity threats and face an equally challenging task of managing the upkeep of most modern compliance frameworks. 

Outsourcing cybersecurity services has emerged as a strategic move for many organizations seeking to enhance their security posture without incurring the costs and complexities of building an in-house team. 

This article discusses the benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing cybersecurity, focusing on compliance management. It also offers guidance on selecting a reliable provider.


What Does it Mean to Outsource Cybersecurity and Compliance?

Managing compliance and security means partnering with an experienced vendor to handle security management, compliance management, and ongoing and continuous monitoring. While different agencies might provide different services, many will focus on one or two specific practices (for example, compliance and monitoring). 

Outside of this broader definition, outsourced security services can encompass several different needs or roles, including:


Benefits of Outsourcing Cybersecurity Services

Outsourcing cybersecurity offers numerous benefits, including cost efficiency through reduced need for internal resources, access to expertise, and an enhanced focus on core business activities. Simply put, outsourced partners can focus on security more effectively than you can. 

Some benefits include:


Drawbacks of Outsourcing Cybersecurity Services

Like any other process, there are some drawbacks:

That being said, the benefits quickly outweigh any real challenges. Internally managing compliance and critical security issues is becoming unfeasible unless you can field permanent teams dedicated to the task (which most small and mid-level businesses aren’t). 


How to Select a Cybersecurity Service Provider

Selecting a partner isn’t just about looking at directories of security agencies and interviewing them. It takes attention to detail and your internal organizational needs and capacities to align with the right partner. 

Some steps and practices you can use when selecting a partner provider include:


Work with a Trusted Security Partner and Compliance Agency: Lazarus Alliance

When selecting a cybersecurity service provider, assessing their expertise, service offerings, security infrastructure, and alignment with your organization’s values and objectives is essential. Organizations can build successful partnerships that enhance their security posture and support their strategic goals by conducting thorough evaluations and establishing clear contractual terms.

To learn more, contact us

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