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What Are State-Sponsored Cyber Attacks

If you’re interested in cybersecurity, you’ve most likely heard of the rise of state-sponsored cybersecurity attacks. With the growth of cloud platforms and third-party providers, you may not know that these attacks are now a threat to a broader range of organizations and businesses than ever before. 

Here, we cover some of the latest state-sponsored groups, their tactics, and how you can prevent them. 


What are State-Sponsored Cyberattacks?

State-sponsored cyber attacks are deliberate, well-resourced cyber operations conducted by or on behalf of a nation-state. These differ from other cyber threats primarily in their sophistication, funding, and strategic objectives. Unlike cybercriminals driven by financial gain, state actors pursue geopolitical goals, such as espionage, sabotage, and influence operations. 

These groups often function as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) in that they infiltrate critical infrastructure over long periods, moving through different systems to gather data. 

State-sponsored cyber attacks significantly influence international relations and geopolitical stability. These attacks often serve as tools of statecraft, allowing nations to exert influence without engaging in open conflict. For instance, cyber espionage enables the stealing of confidential information, which can be leveraged in diplomatic negotiations or economic competition.

The strategic objectives behind state-sponsored cyber attacks include:

Notable examples include:


What Are Common Tactics of State-Sponsored Attacks?

State-sponsored actors often employ APTs, characterized by prolonged and targeted cyber operations, to infiltrate networks and maintain undetected access. These groups utilize various techniques, including:


How Can I Prevent Becoming a Victim of State-Sponsored Attacks?

Preventing general attacks primarily involves maintaining enhanced cyber hygiene based on cybersecurity compliance frameworks. Following techniques in NIST or ISO can help avoid APTs or getting caught up in wide-ranging attacks. 

Some other best practices include:


Maintain Your Security Posture with Lazarus Alliance

The best security for state-sponsored attacks is a combination of compliance and great cyber hygiene.

To learn more about how Lazarus Alliance can help, contact us

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