Ingredients: 1-1/4 cups all purpose flour 3/4 cup cake flour 2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 10 Tbsp. unsalted butter, chilled 1/2 cup cold buttermilk 1/4 cup cold heavy cream 4 Tbsp. melted butter Preparation: Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Make sure oven rack is in the… Read More
My expertise is in enabling bu…
My expertise is in enabling business through information technology excellence. I’m focused on being your new CISO, CIO, or CTO.
Juris Doctor 72 and 73 of 215
Holy Cow! Two intense weeks and none of it really due to Law School. Work has been tumultuous to say the least. I suspect things will significantly calm down for a short while. The operative word is “short.” I generally have a manageable Family-Work-School schedule. I’m determined to catch back up and build that buffer… Read More
Ladies and Gentleman, Elvis ha…
Ladies and Gentleman, Elvis has left the building! I’m available and looking for my next position as your new CIO, CISO, or CTO.
Fifth Third Processing Solutio…
Fifth Third Processing Solutions in Cincinnati is looking for Information Security Architects to join the team NOW!
Strike a balance
There is a delicate balance that must be struck between leadership, management, and vocational prowess. A leader might be persuasive and personable or strong, steely-eyed in the face of disaster. A manager might be too closely involved, or disconnected, discombobulated. The technical or vocational prowess a person possesses comes in degrees from one extreme to… Read More
I’m hiring a Manager for Threa…
I’m hiring a Manager for Threat & Incident Response. Relocate to Cincinnati, join a great team. Contact me at
Juris Doctor 71 of 215
This week I’ve been inundated by a deluge of reading requirements. I’ve been told that this pace will continue until mid-term examinations. One of the best tools I have found to date is Dragon Naturally Speaking. I annotate the text books and then dictate to Microsoft Word. It saves me hours of typing transcription work… Read More
Fifth Third Processing Solutio…
Fifth Third Processing Solutions in Cincinnati is looking for forensic and vulnerability assessment professionals to join the team NOW!
FTPS is hiring top gun securit…
FTPS is hiring top gun security professionals. I hired 3 people for my team this week. Get in touch, send a resume. No recruiters please.
Eating elephants
Law school is like eating an elephant. You approach it one bite at a time. It sure feels like I’m eating a huge elephant some times. I will bludgeon my way to victory!
Juris Doctor 70 of 215
Well is is good to get back into the saddle. Law school started back up this past week. The Dean told us that “the first year of law school, we try to scare you to death, the second, we try to work you to death”. The way I looks at it is that I now… Read More
R.I.P. Land Rover
The mechanics pronounced it terminal and I called it yesterday at 4:00 PM EST. My beloved Land Rover will be parked and sold to other gluttons-for-punishment or local cannibals. I was very fond of that money pit, but, a “tough love” position had to be taken to stop the financial hemorrhaging. A 2010 Nissan Murano… Read More
Choose Wisely
Never be a victim by choice I tell my children.
Power of Productivity
As a security practitioner, it is incumbent upon my kind to become a business enabler, and not an obstacle. There is an intelligent balance between appropriate security and business productivity that we must work towards. This involves a give-and-take culture be established. Information security must bring about awareness to the business masses with thoughtful solutions… Read More
I’m hiring forensically certif…
I’m hiring forensically certified, security certified, senior team members now! Great opportunity to work for a great company in Cincinnati.
Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory. – Leonardo da Vinci
We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge. – John Naisbitt
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. – Immanuel Kant
The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. – Henri Bergson
It is characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things. – Henry David Thoreau
There is no squabbling so violent as that between people who accepted an idea yesterday and those who will accept the same idea tomorrow. – Christopher Morley
It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry. – Albert Einstein
Law school books on the way.
Whoa! Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure and Real Property course books being delivered this week. There goes about $900.00 to what should be a good cause. Doing my part to stimulate the local economy, my bank account and my brain!