Juris Doctor 134 of 161 – AKA Citizen Journalists … Not!

There has been an interesting ruling this week issued by the New Jersey’s Supreme Court concerning journalist source protections and the delineation between who may be able to claim the protections granted journalists. The Court ruled that bloggers and online posters don’t have the same protections for sources as mainstream journalists do. While I certainly… Read More

Juris Doctor 130-133 of 161

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Cyberspace Law over the past three weeks exploring subject matter in ISP Liability for Speech, Anonymous Communications in Cyberspace, and Content Regulation in Cyberspace. A particular facet I have derived more amusement from than normal is concerned with the concept of anonymity. From a technical perspective, true anonymity does not actually exist.… Read More

Juris Doctor 121-126 of 161

I’ve mentioned before that the focus of this doctoral program I am nearing completion with is focused on cyberspace law in the federal and international law sectors. There are a few things about what I have learned that are hysterical from my particular perspective. First, these technology courses I am participating in are really almost… Read More

What’s in a name?

Prior to April Fools’ Day, 2011, you probably had never heard of Epsilon Data Management, right? I’d wager, however, that this email marketing firm has heard of you.  In excess of 250 million email account names were pirated from the marketing services firm, vaulting this to what may be the largest breach of personal information… Read More

Juris Doctor 120 of 161 – AKA Beer Breach

I have a natural passion for keeping people safe and secure as many of you know. I also have a real passion for technology law which might be evidenced by the doctoral pursuit in law. I also follow the news looking for cases that have been adjudicated and what the verdict or in most cases,… Read More