PRIVACY PIRACY HOST, MARI FRANK, ESQ. INTERVIEWS MICHAEL PETERS MONDAY AUGUST 25TH, 2014, AT 8AM PACIFIC TIME ON KUCI 88.9 FM IN IRVINE AND STREAMING ON WWW.KUCI.ORG MICHAEL PETERS will discuss the following topics and more! Lazarus Alliance Information Security Biggest Threat to our Global Community Don’t miss this fascinating interview with MICHAEL PETERS ! Here’s some background information about this… Read More
Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) elections
The Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) elections for international leadership positions has now opened. I’m running for a Director position and I’m asking ISSA members to please vote for me. As a career security professional, ISSA Hall of Fame and Fellow recipient, I have received so much value from this not-for-profit, international organization of information security professionals… Read More
Dumb Luck: Why Security Breaches Are Like Playing Russian Roulette
“The future masters of technology must be light-hearted and intelligent. The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb.” Marshall McLuhan This quote has been a long standing personal favorite because it really illustrates on many levels the need to embrace the “Life Learner” concept; always pushing to enhance your own skill-set and capabilities. It… Read More
The New Social Security: When Social Media Meets Social Engineering
The convergence is upon us all; this influx of technology intermingled with information infused now in every possible facet of our business and personal lives. We live in the presence of infinite possibilities through technology. Business is being propelled into new trajectories never before possible. Out social spheres and human interpersonal interactions have all been… Read More
Too Many Targets! Why Target isn’t the only retailer poised for a breach.
Unless you have been living without a source for current news this week, you undoubtedly have heard the bad news about Target Corporation and how hackers breached the technological defenses and stole credit-card data for roughly 40 million customers. The media frenzy focused on Target Corporation has already spawned a dozen class-action lawsuits against the… Read More
A Decade of SOX: Knowledge is your friend; Ignorance is your enemy
We are well past a decade now living with the Sarbanes Oxley Act. As one might expect, corporations, employees and auditors alike have become acclimated to the requirements so much so that the process is routine. The upside to this is that people supporting a SOX audit are pretty comfortable with the expectations and requirements.… Read More
The Truth about ID Theft: No fear mongering, no snake oil, just simple advice.
After years of advising corporations, investment firms and being directly involved with helping people understand what identity theft is and making recommendations on how they might thwart criminals from turning them into victims. I decided to revisit the topic and share a simple checklist approach to prevent identity theft. With just a few simple steps… Read More
In Harm’s Way: The CISO’s Dangerous Tour of Duty
I’ve been in the corporate chief information security officer’s (CISO) executive chair long enough to realize that the traditional hierarchical model of information security reporting up through the technology department has a fatal flaw. This hazard is directly associated with the inherent conflict of duties that exists by the very nature of the position. For… Read More
The Security Trifecta – Governance Made Easy: CISO Executive Summit Keynote
The CISO Executive Summit 2013 – Minneapolis I enjoyed delivering the closing keynote at the CISO Executive Summit this year and getting the opportunity to collaborate, strategize and even in some cases, commiserate with my information security comrades from across the industry. The good folks at Evanta organized the event with direction from the event’s… Read More
Reasonable Duty of Care: Data Security and Privacy
You’ve see it in the news all too frequently now in our technologically interconnected world; companies are being breached seemingly at-will by hackers, malicious insiders, competing company entities, and nation states. The terrible truth is that companies and consumers are losing the battle. The cost of these breaches is rising as consumers are beginning to… Read More
The Future of the Security Executive?
I was presented with a question this week that I thought was worth sharing. The question was “What you think information security executives will need to be focused on in the next 2 to 3 years in order for their organizations to be successful?” I responded with these tasks-concepts that security executives must embrace: Collaboration… Read More
Your Personal CXO has an app!
Your Personal CXO is one of the worlds best resources for information security, privacy, cyberspace law and technology guidance delivered to you freely. Now there is an Android app to help you take it with you. Access premium downloadable content, articles, news and other content right from your Android device. Find it here in the… Read More
Re-Post: C-Suite Slipping on Information Security, Study Finds
The analysis in this article is consistent with my research to date and I thought it worth sharing. I would suggest however that given the input from one of the largest audit firms creates a scenario that I refer to as the “Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone” and should be objectively consumed. It is quite ironic… Read More
ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival in the Android Market
I have a new application in the Android Market today called ETA located here: ETA is the awesome new way to track your favorite people. ETA, otherwise known as Estimated Time of Arrival, is a clever application that answers the question other people ask you so frequently; where are you and how long will it… Read More
Buyer Beware
Fact: Companies are being breached seemingly at-will by hackers, malicious insiders, competing company entities, and nation states. Companies and consumers seem to be losing the battle. Sources of this problem are: 83 percent of organizations have no formal cyber security plan. (Source: National Cyber Security Alliance, 2012) Thousands of breaches have occurred over the last… Read More
Information Security By the Numbers
The Security Trifecta is a comprehensive and innovative approach to holistic security, risk, governance and privacy coverage for the enterprise. Because the methodology is universally applicable and ultimately sustainable, it has become the perfect model for any size organization regardless of business concentration. In fact, the more critical, the more regulated, the more sensitive the… Read More
2012 Louisville Metro InfoSec Conference
I attended the 2012 Louisville Metro InfoSec Conference, now in it’s 10th year, as keynote speaker. The conference is a function of the ISSA Kentuckiana Chapter currently led by Randall Frietzche. Once again, they are pushing the capacity of the venue space due to the increasing popularity of this important conference. On a personal note,… Read More
As we approach retail’s favorite season, I have the unique perspective of being concerned about information security as both the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for a commerce software company and as a customer to a plethora of retailers — some who are clients and others who are not. In effect, I’m wearing two… Read More
Symbiotic Mutualism: A BYOD Love Story
The mass proliferation of consumer computing devices is in full force with only escalation on the horizon before us and any technologist who thinks that they can stop it or officially banish it from their little kingdoms should think again. Those troglodytes will only lead a frustrating existence in a world where resistance is truly… Read More
HORSE WIKI: The Holistic Operational Readiness Security Evaluation wiki

Looking for the HORSE Project? Look no further! Welcome to the Holistic Operational Readiness Security Evaluation (HORSE) project Wiki. We would like to invite the information security community to participate in this open community project. The intention is ultimately to raise the proficiency level of information security auditors, security practitioners, lawyers and legal practitioners, financial… Read More

The Security Trifecta An Introductory Review Information Security By the Numbers The Security Trifecta Methodology Briefings The Security Trifecta: Information Security By the Numbers The Security Trifecta: We are all in the Same Boat The Security Trifecta: Collaboration Vs. Isolation The Security Trifecta: Governance, Technology and Vigilance The Security Trifecta: Source Code, Application and Systems… Read More
Editorial Reviews: Jim Cox
Midwest Book Review’s Editor-in-Chief Jim Cox writes: “Along with the general economy, the job market crash that began in 2008 and which is starting to recover some four years later is still highly competitive and highly volatile. This is as true for executive level corporate officer as it is for the industrial line worker. Drawing… Read More
ISSA Hall of Fame recipient
Yesterday I received wonderful and humbling news from Kevin Richards, International President of the Information Systems Security Association that I’m being inducted into the ISSA Hall of Fame. In the realm of information security, this could probably be compared to the Hollywood Oscars. It is tremendously exciting and as I’ve mentioned, very humbling for me to… Read More
The Security Trifecta™ episodes
I’m working on some new episodes for The Security Trifecta™ information security series and the introduction is pretty cool I think. It would be great to get your feedback. Here is a sample: [flv: 320 240]